
Preventive Medicine

Primary Care located in Maryville, TN
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Preventive Medicine services offered in Maryville, TN

Preventive medicine strives to avoid disease by taking steps to identify and address health issues in the earliest possible stages. At Consolidated Primary Care in Maryville, Tennessee, Mike Wall, PA-C, specializes in preventive health care to ensure you’re on track to maintaining excellent health throughout your lifespan. If you’d like to learn more about preventive medicine, schedule an in-person or telehealth visit over the phone or online today. 

Preventive Medicine Q&A

What is preventive medicine?

Preventive medicine is an approach to health services that seeks to proactively reduce the risk of disease. It’s a wonderful way to stay as healthy and happy as possible. 

Part of this approach involves getting the screenings appropriate for your age, sex, and overall health. Catching disease in the earliest possible stage allows for early intervention, when many treatments are most effective. 

Routine screenings and physical exams also help detect health indicators that show a high risk for chronic disease. Making meaningful lifestyle improvements can go a long way toward preventing serious illnesses, and preserving optimal health and wellness. 

Preventive medicine strives to help you reach the highest quality of life possible. Consolidated Primary Care also uses a holistic approach, which recognizes the connections between your physical health and your mental and emotional well-being. 

What are the benefits of preventive medicine?

When you’re able to identify troubling health trends and take decisive action, you have the power to shape your health outcome. A prime example lies in people who are diagnosed with prediabetes. 

If your practitioner finds you’re on the threshold of diabetes, you can take steps to bring your blood glucose and other important readings down to healthier levels. Because diabetes is such a serious health problem with links to numerous other health issues, avoiding the condition is a remarkable achievement. 

Chronic disease is a leading cause of lost productivity at work, disability, and early mortality. Preventive medicine offers a chance to avoid these outcomes. 

Even people who aren’t at risk for chronic disease benefit from preventive health services. There is always room for improvement when it comes to sleep quality, nutrition, and stress management. 

When is the right time to schedule a preventive medicine visit?

Annual physical exams are a cornerstone of preventive medicine. If you’re overdue for a physical exam, booking one today is a great way to begin or renew your health and wellness. 

You can also book a preventive health visit if you’re considering making significant changes to your health and lifestyle. Consolidated Primary Care offers medical weight loss for those who’d like to take a new approach to reaching and maintaining a healthier weight. 

There’s never a wrong time to schedule a preventive health visit. To achieve better health outcomes, book a visit with Consolidated Primary Care over the phone or online today.