
Weight Management

Primary Care located in Maryville, TN
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Weight Management services offered in Maryville, TN

If you’re overweight or obese, finding a way to reach and maintain a healthy weight is one of the best things you can do for your daily health and wellness. At Consolidated Primary Care in Maryville, Tennessee, Mike Wall, PA-C, offers highly skilled and compassionate weight management services. When you’re ready to begin, booking a visit takes just moments online or by phone. You can schedule an in-person or telehealth visit. 

Weight Management Q&A

What are the health problems linked to obesity?

Few things take a greater toll on your health than being significantly overweight or obese. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), being obese or overweight significantly increases your risk for a wide range of health issues. 

Some of the problems that excess weight can cause or contribute to include:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Depression
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease

Carrying extra weight may also affect your mental and emotional well-being, influencing your confidence and self-esteem. 

What is weight management?

Weight management is an approach to weight loss that places your health as a central focus. Unlike fad diets or extreme exercise plans, weight management doesn’t rely on deprivation or intense physical strain to bring you closer to an ideal weight. 

The process begins with a comprehensive physical exam and lab testing. These tools provide insight into how your organs and systems are currently functioning. The results help ensure weight loss efforts yield effects without pushing your body beyond safe limits. 

Improving nutrition is an important part of weight management. As you learn how to reshape your diet to give your body the fuel it needs to thrive, it becomes easier to make healthy choices. Increasing your activity levels is also part of the process. You’ll begin to feel and function better, helping you stay motivated to embrace your new lifestyle. 

Medications may play a role in helping you manage your weight, but drug therapy is never the sole approach. Your practitioner works closely with you to help you achieve success as you move through your weight loss journey.  

How long will I need professional weight management services?

Just as no two individuals are ever exactly alike, your weight management needs are also unique. You might choose to partner with a medical professional to help you reach a specific goal, like improving key health indicators that place you at risk for certain chronic diseases. 

You might have longer-term goals, like getting back to your pre-baby weight or improving your athleticism. Your journey doesn’t need to conform to a timeline, and as you move forward, your practitioner explains the next steps. 

No matter how long you rely on Consolidated Primary Care for weight management, the practice remains dedicated to providing guidance and support. When you’re ready to learn more, schedule an appointment by phone or online in just a matter of moments.